Saindhav A new Telugu action thriller hit theaters in 2024, directed and written by Sailesh Kolanu and produced by Niharika Entertainment. The film boasts an ensemble cast, including Venkatesh, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Arya, Shraddha Srinath, Ruhani Sharma, Andrea Jeremiah, and Baby Sara. Released on January 13, 2024, the movie received a lukewarm response from both critics and audiences. While the story, performances, cinematography, and action sequences were commended, the direction, writing, pace, and soundtrack fell short of expectations. Unfortunately, the film failed to impress at the box office, resulting in a disappointing commercial performance.
Venkatesh as Saindhav Koneru "SaiKO"
Nawazuddin Siddiqui as Vikas Malik
Arya as Manas
Shraddha Srinath as Manogya
Ruhani Sharma as Dr. Renu
Andrea Jeremiah as Jasmine
Jisshu Sengupta as Michael
Mukesh Rishi as Vishwamithra "Mithra"
Jayaprakash as Murthy
Getup Srinu as Ramesh