"Get ready to laugh out loud with the 2024 Hindi comedy film, directed by Kunal Khemu in his debut behind the camera. Produced by Excel Entertainment, the movie boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Divyenndu, Pratik Gandhi, Avinash Tiwary, Nora Fatehi, Upendra Limaye, and Chhaya Kadam. Released in theaters on March 22, 2024, the film has received rave reviews from critics and has already grossed an impressive ₹48 crore globally."
Divyenndu as Dhanush Sawant "Dodo"
Pratik Gandhi as Pratik Garodia "Pinku/Pinkya"
Avinash Tiwary as Ayush Gupta
Nora Fatehi as Tehreen "Tasha"
Kunal Khemu as drug peddler (Cameo appearance)
Remo D'Souza as Dr Danny (Special appearance)
Chhaya Kadam as Kanchan Kombdi
Raviraj Kande as Ganpat
Sameer Patil as Dodo’s father
Vipul Deshpande as Police inspector
Umesh Jagtap as Constable Santosh Sathe
Jewel Narigara as Young Pinku